PBEC's Podcast
"The Value Prop - APAC Investing" Show is a newly launched initiative by the Pacific Basin Economic Council board of directors. Follow us in a series of episodes that capture and highlight what each Member State of APEC latest offerings are for budding entrepreneurs and international investors to attract direct foreign investment in the wake of an anticipated Covid-19 recovery.
PBEC's Podcast
Use of Data Driven Tools to compare Developing and Developed Economies
Pacific Basin Economic Council
Season 1
Episode 6
In this episode, we are delighted to have invited Wolfgang Fengler to discuss about the use of data driven tools in business world. Woflgang is one of the Lead Economists and Senior Lead at the World Bank. He has spoken at TEDx Vienna and launched population.io (endorsed by Bill Gates) as well as worldpoverty.io, two real-time big data models under the World Bank wholly owned subsidiary World Data Lab.
Host : Michael Walsh PBEC CEO